Water purification information

Be cautious when choosing a water purifier

Views : 68000
Update time : 2021-12-08 14:01:49
You must be cautious when choosing a water purifier. Knowing how to buy is a kind of ability

With the continuous improvement of drinking water health awareness, the prospects of the water purifier market have become brighter, but this has also brought about some problems, such as the rapid increase of merchants, a mixture of fish and dragons, and counterfeit and inferior products, which has caused a large number of consumers to fall into "difficulty in choosing".

Whether the water purifier is qualified, whether it has high-end purification technology and convenient functions, it is necessary for each consumer to choose the right brand with his own eyes. Knowing how to choose a water purifier is a life skill, and it is also responsible for the health of oneself and family members.

Why not want inferior water purifiers?

The hazards of inferior water purifiers have two aspects: significant hazards and invisible hazards. There are probably several situations for significant hazards:

1. Circuit problems: If the quality of the transformer is not up to standard, it is easy to cause circuit failure and even cause fire.

2. Waterway problems: Inferior water purifiers use inferior water pipes, small workshop filter bottles and other water-passing parts, and the precision and firmness are not up to the standard, and there is often water leakage and no water.
Poor quality water purifier

3. There are too many machine faults and cannot be used: The water purifier is an internal and external double-circulation system, and many of the faults are systemic problems, which are built-in faults at the factory and are difficult to repair. Users can only throw away as trash with tears.

4. Pressure barrel problem: The inner material of the pressure barrel of a small unqualified manufacturer is extremely poor, causing secondary pollution of the water quality and even causing the pressure barrel to explode.

Compared with the obvious problems, many consumers may be thankful: What you said, we haven't encountered them. However, the invisible hazards of inferior water purifiers are difficult to detect, but they are the most deadly——

1. Poor filter element: With the development of the times, even liars will not be so stupid to put stones in the filter element. But today's inferior filter elements are difficult to distinguish in appearance and more deceptive-this also causes many consumers to "rest assured" unknowingly drinking water that is actually full of hidden dangers!

2. Health killer: Some inferior water purifiers are made of recycled materials even with plastic parts. Such materials are not allowed to be used as slippers-heavy metals, benzene, formaldehyde and other harmful substances exceed the standard. Long-term use is undoubtedly invisible Health killer.

3. The filtered water quality is worse: poor filter element, poor material, poor storage bucket/tank, can you still expect it to bring pure drinking water? The water filtered by a poor-quality water purifier may not be as good as tap water.

4. False functions: False propaganda is strictly prohibited in relevant national regulations. Magnetized water, ionized water, weakly alkaline water, etc. have been banned by the No. 10 Document of the Ministry of Health in 2005. Do not listen to the false exaggeration of the seller, improper selection of water purifiers, health preservation may become "toxic therapy"!

The following points should be paid attention to when choosing a water purifier.

1. The purpose of buying clean water is for health and safety, not for fighting against people of unknown origin, only buying it wrong, not selling it wrong.

2. The water purifier is related to the health of the family and cannot be removed. Once you find that your own water purifier has quality problems, you must replace it in time-stop loss is the best way to recover.

3. The price of the water purifier is not expensive, which can be accepted by ordinary families, and there are many formal channels, and the brand products have more anti-counterfeiting identification functions. Therefore, do not easily believe in all kinds of unknown water purifiers brought by salesmen and mysterious experts.


Aicksn, focusing on the field of water purification for many years, is committed to the research and development of core water purification technology, and continues to introduce water purification equipment suitable for consumers. Choose Aicksn to create an indestructible line of defense for a healthy drinking life!
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